Hamarosan teljesen eltűnik a hagyományos afrikai kultúra és helyét átveszi a fogyasztói társadalom.
Ezt bizonyítja a minap történt eset mikor egy hagyományos afrikai viseletbe öltözött nő tért be egy namíbiai szupermarketbe, hogy többek között mosóport vásároljon.

A boltban lévő vásárlók meglepetten figyelték a nőt miközben ő nyugodt léptekkel sétált a sorok között. Többen fotózni és videózni is kezdtek.
The woman carried a young child as she browsed the shelves of the supermarket in Opuwo, Namibia

A member of the Himba tribe against the stunning Namibian backdrop, taken by documentary maker Bjorn Persson

A young member of the Himba tribe cooking in the breathtaking rural surroundings of Namibia

A young boy with a baby goat, taken by Swedish photographer Bjorn Persson in Namibia

A member of the tribe, which has very strong traditions, pictured herding goats in rural Namibia

Documentary maker Bjorn Persson with members of the Himba tribe, who he filmed in Namibia

A member of the Himba tribe pictured holding a baby goat
Old meets new: A Himba woman in traditional clothing has a mobile phone attached to her outfit

The pictures were taken in northern Namibia, where there are an estimated 50,000 members of the Himba tribe

Young members of the Himba tribe were pictured by Swedish documentary maker Bjorn Persson

A woman stands in front of a fence in the breathtaking rural setting in Namibia which is home to the Himba tribe

A woman wearing traditional Himba tribal clothes prepares food outside her home

The Himba tribe is renowned for maintaining its traditions in its homeland in northern Namibia

A female member of the Himba tribe, which has around 50,000 members

Forrás és további fotók: dailymail.co.uk